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CES DERNIÈRES ANNÉES, le Turkestan oriental et les Ouïghours ont bénéficié d'une importante couverture médiatique. La principale raison de cet intérêt médiatique est que les politiques répressives des autorités chinoises à l'...

The United States Congress took another important step to show solidarity for the victims of the Uyghur Genocide. On February 27, Chairman of the House Select Committee on Strategic Competition Between the United States and t...

CUS Press Release For Immediate Release Feb 04, 2023 Contact@uyghu...

Menace reveals the horrifying truth about how the world has unwittingly helped China realize its dream of becoming a global hegemon and opened its borders to Beijing's propaganda and ultimately its control. China's rise to po...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1sdtToIClA ...


CUS Press Release For Immediate Release Jan 10, 2023 Contact@uyghu...

CUS Press Release For Immediate Release Jan 09, 2023 Contact@uyghu...

Abdulhakim Idris The Uyghurs who are struggling for their existence under...

CUS Press Release For Immediate Release Dec 1, 2022 Contact@uyghurstudy.org Uyghurstudy.org The latest developments in the g...

By Marufa Mazhar Abdulhakim Idris's book Menace is a brave and disconcerting take on a topic that the world has grossly underinvested in. It is well known that dealing with...

“Germany apologized for its leading companies that supported Hitler’s genocide. But why does it want a European trade deal with the genocidal CCP government?” By ...

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