For Immediate Release
April 29, 2023
Today, the Center for Uyghur Studies (CUS) released a report titled “Islamophobia in China and Attitudes of Muslim Countries”, which highlights the state-sponsored Islamophobia by the Chinese regime with a particular focus on China’s Islamophobic policies in East Turkistan. The report also examines China’s disinformation campaigns in the Islamic World and attitudes of Muslim-majority countries on China’s war on Islam.
The report analyzes the systemic and historic Islamophobic policies of the Chinese Communist Party that seek to “Sinicize” Islam and Muslims under its rule since the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949. The report also documents the various aspects of Chinas’ war on Islam in East Turkistan throughout the last seven decades, and most recently since 2017. Furthermore, it also examines China’s disinformation campaigns in the Islamic World and various propaganda practices the Chinese regime deploys to prevent the Muslims from voicing getting alarmed by China’s religious persecution of Muslims. The report ends with a chapter on the failure of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation on the Uyghurs and attitudes of Muslim-majority countries towards the Uyghur Genocide.
“Today, the Chinese regime is waging a war on Islam in East Turkistan and committing genocide against Uyghur Muslims. However, the Islamic World is yet to recognize the real nature of the Chinese regime due to the mass disinformation campaign the Chinese regime is carrying out among Muslim countries.” said Abdulhakim Idris, Executive Director of Center for Uyghur Studies. “With the release of this report, we hope to shed light on China’s Islamophobic policies and educate the Muslims to see the real face of the Chinese regime. We have also examined China’s propaganda attempts in the Islamic World and exposed them with facts. We hope more Muslims will be educated on China’s religious persecution of the Uyghur Muslims and stand up to the most Islamophobic regime in the world today.” Idris said.
The report is available to read and download below:
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