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Uyghur Figures - 01 Abdulaziz Makhdum was born in 1894 in the Atush...

For Immediate Release April 29, 2023 Contact@uyghurstudy.org Uyghu...

***Executive Director Abdulhakim Idris delivered this speech at Univeritas Muslim Nusanatara Al Washliyah in Medan, Indonesia on April 12, 2023. First of all, I wi...

CES DERNIÈRES ANNÉES, le Turkestan oriental et les Ouïghours ont bénéficié d'une importante couverture médiatique. La principale raison de cet intérêt médiatique est que les politiques répressives des autorités chinoises à l'...

Abdulhakim Idris The Uyghurs who are struggling for their existence under...

“Germany apologized for its leading companies that supported Hitler’s genocide. But why does it want a European trade deal with the genocidal CCP government?” By ...

By Susan J. Palmer and Abdulmuqtedir Udun Published on Bitter Winter on April 3, 2021 China’s record of discri...

In recent years, there has been a lot of media coverage on East Turkistan and the Uyghurs. The main reason behind this media interest is that the Chinese authorities’ repressive policies against the Uyghurs have developed int...

By Abdulhakim Idris The latest report on the Chinese Communist ...

By Abdulhakim Idris The Uyghur genocide is no longer unknown to...

Khutbah is an important occasion that we can utilize to educate the Muslims about the plights of Muslims around the world. We have developed this Khutbah sample on Uyghur Genocide and China's War on Islam. We hope it will hel...

The Ürümqi massacre had a profound effect on the local Uyghurs, completely destroying relations with the Chinese Hans. After the massacre, Chinese state has completely lost its legitimacy among the Uyghurs. ...

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