It all started on a Ramadan day.
By Abdullah Oğuz
The holiest march in human history began with the message sent to our Prophet (SAV) on the 27th night of Ramadan.
Since then, the month of Ramadan has been considered a great symbol of mercy, abundance, resurrection, and self-renewal, which Muslims have been longing for. Muslims have been waiting for Ramadan with great love, enthusiasm, and excitement.
As master Sezai Karakoç very briefly stated in the following poem, Ramadan is one of our most important spiritual resources. “Fasting resurrects the soul, while it has also resurrected all its forces. If the Islamic community has not died completely in these last ages when it is running towards death, and it is still alive; it owes this largely to the Ramadans, who came and resurrected it. And if it is going to be resurrected one day, it will start again on Ramadan, it will start with Ramadan.”
If China has still not been able to destroy Muslims in East Turkistan for 250 years with the mentality of occupation, one of the reasons for this is that Uyghur Turkic Muslims embrace the resurgent climate of Ramadan at every opportunity they get. Muslims living in various geographies of the earth today, no matter under what circumstances; whether it is war, occupation, political or economic pressures … they can experience Ramadan. No dictator who is an enemy of Islam and humanity has been able to prevent Muslims from living Ramadan.
The only exception to this is the genocidal Red Terror regime, which sees Islam as a mental illness and openly declares that it will Chineseize it, and puts into practice all kinds of inhuman practices to eliminate Islam with all its material and spiritual existence. In fact, Muslims from East Turkistan looked forward to Ramadan as if they were waiting for their son, whom they had not seen for a year, However, today, they can’t meet it, can’t perform their prayers, and even live unaware that Ramadan has arrived.
Muslims living under the genocide of the occupying Chinese regime are deprived of the freedom of fasting, worshiping, fulfilling even the most basic requirements of Islam, expressing their belief, and expressing their belief in Allah and the Hereafter. The only way to survive in East Turkistan is to become a slave of the red terror state. Your brothers and sisters living in the ancient Turkish homeland of East Turkistan are deprived of all their human rights. They are dying under the genocide practiced by a mentality that does not see anyone who is not like them as human and has no mercy for any living thing.
Muslims from East Turkistan under the genocide of Communist Chinese rule were encouraged by the silence of the Turkish and Islamic world;
- They are deprived of basic rights such as life and property security, freedom, household privacy; legal protection such as the presumption of innocence, being safe from arbitrary and extrajudicial arrest, fair trial, self-defense, the personhood of crime; freedom to live their national and religious identity, use their language and protect and preserve their cultural assets.
- They are subjected to the most severe examples of extrajudicial killings, torture, ill-treatment, forced labor, detention or deportation from their place of residence; discrimination, forced marriage, and confiscation of assets.
- They are tortured in isolation in the resurrected concentration camps of Hitler, Stalin, and Mao; Under constant surveillance, their human dignity is violated, and they are forced to deny their religion and national identity. They are imprisoned as potential criminals indefinitely, without trial, without being charged.
- Nearly one million children are forcibly taken from their parents and brought up like Chinese, far from their religious and national identities, in detention centers called “nurseries”.
- The outsiders, on the other hand, live in an open-air prison under the control of the latest products of surveillance technology in all aspects of their lives, for fear of being arrested or killed like a sword swinging at them all the time.
In fact, this genocide committed by China is not being carried out against East Turkistan, but against the entire Islamic and Turkish world. Because the Red Terror State considers Islam and Turkishness to be mental illness that needs to be treated. Despite this, the Islamic world is in dead silence against East Turkestan. But we were believers whom Allah had made brothers and sisters for one another. Isn’t this the main reason for the suffering experienced in all corners of the Islamic world today!? If we raise our voices against the snake that only touches ourselves, as Imran Khan did, and if we roll out the red carpet to the snake biting our brothers and their killers, we will always continue to be fragmented and oppressed.
This Ramadan, let it be the Ramadan…
May this blessed Ramadan climate be the day when we start to raise our voices against the genocide carried out against our brothers in East Turkistan, to try to prevent it, and to announce this genocide even if we cannot do more. So on Judgment Day, when we come across the women living in those camps and prisons and begging“Kill me!”; when we meet the 25 million sad and wounded hearts of mothers, fathers, children, and the elderly, and when they ask, “What have you done for us?”, let’s have a way to look at them and have an answer to give…
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